
Why are Conservatives so Terrible at Satire and Political Humour?

Humour is a basic element of the human experience, few of us can go through a day without laughing at least once. According to Ron A. Martin’s The Psychology of Humor, certain apes, including chimpanzees and bonobos, have been observed to laugh in situations analogous to those of infants and toddlers; these include playing and even tickling. Albeit the simian laugh sounds considerably different from a human’s, it serves a comparable social function. This phenomenon was observed as early as 1872 by Charles Darwin. With humanity’s advanced abilities of language, this social phenomenon developed further into what we consider “humour”. One form of literature and media which uses humour, farce, and outlandish situations in order to make a statement about society or politics is the genre of satire. For much of modern history, satire has been the realm of those on the political Left. Why are conservatives so terrible at satire and political humour? The answer to this question is tied to a post on this blog, as well as the nature and history of political satire itself.
The images for this blog are taken from a Facebook page entitled "The Comical (sic) Conservative"


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