Playing on Grass

Green Green Grass Away from Home

Red Roosters v Black Rock 

8 Feb 2014

Via Gump Media (in a rush...)

Thanks to Neale and Dr Pete 
for photography and Art Direction.

Faced with forecast of 40 degrees for Saturday, Neale had a Jolly Good idea.
How about playing early; morning instead of afternoon start?

The Black Rock boys (bless 'em) were accommodating.
Not only that, they served up a pair of impeccable GRASS courts. Lovely.

This was as close as Roosters will ever get to being at Wimbledon.

Neale and Forrest played accordingly, bringing back the serve-volley and taking care of business in straight sets. Caviar Nick and Dr Pete had to work much harder; dropping the first, winning the second, then taking the points with a very solid deciding tiebreak.

N and F, meanwhile, had their shoes off and watched from the shade, N multi-tasking by also keeping a close eye on mums going to and from coaching classes.

In the reverse rubbers, CN and Dr P showed their class, wrapping up a victory this time with minimal fuss. While next door, N and F did the same. Neale excelled by trying something completely new with his overheads. You REALLY must ask him about this.

So, a good win against one of the top teams. Conditions made more than tolerable by lovely courts and good company. A warm-up, in more ways than one, for
NEXT Saturday (15 Feb)

v PARKDALE at the nursing home.

Team, as per roster – 
(the A team)

Pls confirm availability.....on we go.
Thanks, F


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