Roosters v Beaumaris, 22 Feb 2014

Rolling On
Roosters v Beaumaris, 22 Feb 2014

Second-last round. Equation was simple: chalk up a win to retain top spot.

First pair, Neale and Sean, 

arrived at Beaumaris cocky after trouncing a pair of unknown sad-sacks  on Thursday evening. They will be happy to supply more details. (If they're unavailable, try Nick.)
Neale's professionalism was suspect, however. As suspect as his Magna.
He needed to pinch half a banana from Forrest to keep blood-sugar levels up.

Second pair, Brian and Forrest,

were more  laid-back. Brian is a big fan of the local shops, so felt at home.

First results were as required; two straight-set victories. BOTH pairs started with bagels and rolled on from there.
Reverse rubbers were slightly more dramatic, with the home side's Spiro aggravating his wonky knee after Brian tossed up not one but two lobs, on different sides, which proved too much for Spiro's dodgy joint. Roosters were already looking good in that one.
Neale and Sean, meanwhile, rolled on, surrendering just six games in their second rubber.

Hang on? SIX? Abbott and Costello surrendered just FOUR games against the same pair.
YOU do the maths to work out who gets bragging rights.

NEXT Saturday… Last round before (drumroll) finals.

v Clarinda at Home.

Team to be confirmed.

Complex negotiations already being held with agents.


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