Winter Solstice Greek Style
Bye Bye Barbie
via Gump Media
MOST teams, presented with a bye mid-season, would opt for relaxation and recreation, a certain slackening of standards and team discipline.
But not the Roosters.
Rather than slack and/or go to seed they opted for a Training Day – also known as the Bobolas Greek BBQ.
And what started as a proposed gathering of a few blokes for a quick hit became an entertainment extravaganza – complete with Chef Nosti’s Charcoal Chicken, a splendid perpetual trophy and awe-inspiring banner (from the Jolly Emporium), and – oh yes – several hours of keenly-contested tennis.
Ranks of the Roosters (Bruce, Peter, Neale, Vic, Nosti, Mark and Yuri) were swelled by several welcome visitors – John and Sean Collins (Phil must have been in the recording studio), Arnie Barker and Patrick (cup-cakes) Casey (hoping for a dispute so he might snag a brief). President Peter dropped in and gave the event his blessing. Which was lucky, as the charcoal was well and truly smoking by then.
Forrest tried valiantly but not entirely successfully (sorry, Vic) to keep Teams A and B balanced, juggling staggered arrival times, floating numbers and even an injury or two.
Brian, a late entrant, graciously leapt off the bench as a sub and stayed for refreshments.
All in all, tennis was the winner.
So was Neale, inaugural winner of the Coq of the Day trophy. In a tight battle for the prize, Mr Jolly got over the line because he teamed an appalling shirt with a clashing bandanna.
Play continued until lights were required. As the bouquet from Chef Bobolas’s creation drifted over Albert Park, a certain club champion, cunningly disguised by a beanie, drifted in looking hungry – having been playing (gasp!) hockey. He didn’t have a racquet, but soon had a souvlaki.
Play continued until lights were required. As the bouquet from Chef Bobolas’s creation drifted over Albert Park, a certain club champion, cunningly disguised by a beanie, drifted in looking hungry – having been playing (gasp!) hockey. He didn’t have a racquet, but soon had a souvlaki.
A great afternoon. Even the weather was (mostly) kind.
Back to business on Saturday (22 June).
Crucial match against Parkdale. Under the Roosters banner….
Team, injuries etc permitting:
Nick, Neale, Vic and Forrest.
A comment from our last rained out effort |
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