Soggy, Brighton, President Dean and the Finals


If you have a look at the top right hand side you can see the diving platform which was used by the players on a very wet Saturday last.

Obviously it was match abandoned but after a morning of bureaucratic non-sense we HAD to convene at Dendy Park to be told the obvious. We were all crazy mad so Alan invited us over for afternoon tea to calm us all down. Briiiiiighton was very nice. Thanks again Alan and his poor family for our intrusion.

We sorted out all the clubs problems and decided Deano should be President. His first decree was for Rebecca to become a Rooster and we all agreed. We're going to sneak her in to the winter comp. I've read the rules and there's nothing there that stipulates men have to be men. Besides Neel played all year and no one complained...that much.

Escapees from the Brighton asylum. The nutter on the left with the crazy hat is dangerous. Do not approach these men.
Your Captain
those racquets in my pants are 
soooo unpleasant
So next week is off as it's a long weekend.

We play again (V Parkdale) March 17 in HAWTHORN
(Swinburn Avenue)

and if we win it's at HAWTHORN (V loser of 1v2: Kooyong V Patterson Lakes) 
The granny back at Dendy Park. 
(Bad luck on the location changes Al)

Training 6.30 this Thursday as usual.
The final ladder: as you can see the 8:0 victory got us in to the finals...just!


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